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Questions related to the therapeutic process


What is psychotherapy?

Psychotherapy is a type of treatment that aims to modify thoughts, feelings and behaviors that cause suffering and/or discomfort. The symptoms or difficulties can be varied, but they generally affect on a personal level and interfere with family, social and/or work life.


Psychotherapy, therefore, helps those who receive it to consider changes that bring them closer to their goals, facilitating the understanding of certain circumstances and promoting changes that alleviate or eliminate discomfort; reinforcing personal control.


Likewise, it can also help to take perspective in complex situations, in a way that facilitates decision making or improves qualities that can make the person feel better

How can psychotherapy help me?

Psychological therapy is recommended and necessary for those who suffer or believe to suffer a psychological disorder (such as anxiety, depression, obsessive compulsive disorder, phobias, etc.), in order to obtain an adequate diagnosis and correct treatment of the disorder. In these cases the therapy will be oriented to the control of the symptoms, the learning of strategies of containment and prevention, as well as help with the emotional and family impact that it may have.


In addition to this, therapy is also just as recommended and necessary as a tool towards personal knowledge and the solution of problems or difficulties that may arise (such as divorces, duels, sadness, decision-making, etc.). Psychologists can also guide in aspects related to parenting, social skills, performance and/or coping strategies

When should I go?

The time to go to therapy occurs when we notice that some aspect or circumstance prevents us from enjoying and continuing with our life project as we would like to. In addition to this, professional help can also be requested to improve and/or enhance some personal traits, to know how to handle some circumstance of our own or of others or, simply, as a form of self-knowledge.


It is important not to fall into the taboos that surround psychology, because going to the psychologist is not a symptom of weakness but of courage, strength and of need for change. Contrary to the popular saying, time sometimes only exacerbates a problem and makes it more complex for us to tackle it at a later time.


Which is the treatment? 

The work areas in each session are always individualized, delving aspects that may lead to improvement in the specific situation of each person, with the prior agreement of the therapist and the patient.


Each session lasts approximately one hour, where the first sessions are aimed at knowing variables related to the patient and the problem (aspects of family organization, personal and work situation, routines, physical condition, etc.). Then, cognitive, emotional and behavioral aspects related to the problem or issue to be worked on and the subsequent coping tools or methods will be addressed.

How long is the treatment?


The total duration of therapy is variable and will depend, fundamentally, on the frequency with which the sessions are carried out, the nature of the problem, the personal and psychological characteristics of the person and the therapeutic bound established. Not all psychological problems can remit, although strategies, resources and skills that improve the quality of life and help to coexist with the problem can be consolidated.


¿Cuál es el funcionamiento? 

Una vez tomada la decisión de empezar terapia el primer paso será concertar una primera visita a través de la web o por teléfono. Esa primera visita es gratuita y tiene una duración de media hora.


El objetivo es poder tener una primera toma de contacto y que la persona evalúe si está cómoda como para poder empezar con las sesiones. También será el momento de establecer un acuerdo terapéutico sobre los distintos aspectos relacionados con las sesiones y resolver las dudas al respecto.


Una vez establecidas esas premisas y acordados los objetivos, si la persona decide empezar la terapia con ese profesional, podremos concertar una visita para empezar con la sesiones y comenzar a trabajar cuestiones que nos acerquen al cambio y la mejoría. Estas sesiones tiene una duración de una hora y están sujetas a honorarios

Preguntas relacionadas con el método de pago y descuentos 

Which are the payment methods?

The payment of the sessions is made once the consultation is finished. It can be done in cash, by credit card, with Bizum or by bank transfer. In the case of contracting the Voucher of 5 sessions, it will be paid in full at the beginning of the first session of the voucher, after the free session

¿Puedo abonar las sesiones mediante mi aseguradora?

Actualmente no trabajamos con aseguradoras. No obstante, si tu aseguradora permite abonar facturas de centros no adheridos sí sería posible remitir las facturas

Questions related to accessibility

Is it accessible for people with reduced mobility?

The center is a few minutes from vehicle access and has an elevator. However, the portal has some steps to reach the elevator

How can I do an online session?

Carrying out an online session is very simple. If the reservation is made through digital platforms, when making the reservation, the online mode will be selected. During the reservation, an email must be indicated in order to receive a link. This link allows, on the agreed day, to enter to the online session. The platform used has security measures, so confidentiality is guaranteed.


The payment of the session will be made by bizum or bank transfer

¿Cómo elijo la modalidad de las sesiones?

Las sesiones pueden hacerse indistintamente en modalidad presencial, en la consulta situada en Bilbao, o mediante plataforma digital (compatible con ordenador, tablet, móvil...). Si la reserva se hace online, bastará con indicar la modalidad y hacer la reserva.


No es necesario acogerse a un tipo de modalidad. La persona puede elegir en qué modalidad realiza la primera sesión o las sucesivas visitas dependiendo de lo que mejor le convenga

¿En qué idioma puedo realizar las sesiones?

Actualmente las sesiones se realizan en castellano, aunque tenemos previsto extenderlo a euskera e inglés. Contacta para más información


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